Seymour is my 27 year old European Trekahner. Fancy breed of Thoroughbred. He has an ulcer (tear) on his cornea. Horses get these more often than you think. They are prey animals, so they can spook easily. They are always watching out for themselves. If they aren't careful they can hit or rub their eyes on things...or if they are just plain stupid. With Seymour it is neither of these things, he is just old, and forgetful. I watch him in the pasture, where he loves to sleep laying down and LOVES to roll. He just forgets to close his eye and then it gets scraped on the ground while he is rolling. He can still roll all the way over and when it is time for medicine (every 4 hours salve in the eye) he can still run backwards much faster than I can. He is a great part of my animal family and I will treat him with the care and dignity he deserves. Even if he forgets....
On a brighter note, today was another outside day, My favorite kind actually. Planted two new pots and weeded the vegetable needed it. It is now getting warm enough that my vegetables should really start to grow.
The rest of my day will be spent at a birthday party for my my dear friend, John. I am bringing Deviled Eggs. The eggs are from my neighbor, gathered today. I made the mayonnaise and grew the chives.
Very homey, my girl friend Kary would Say!
very HOMEY..... indeed...they look beautiful.....