Equine First Aid Kit and Small Animal Kit

I am studying to become an Equine Veterinary Technician. Thought you might find this interesting.

It is important to be ready for any trouble you might have with your pets. 
Consult your veterinarian when developing the first aid kit. The items below are a good start to your kit!
Striker...one of my favorite clients!

Equine First Aid Kit
Antibiotic ointment (for wounds)
Antibiotic eye ointment
Bandage scissors
Bandage tape
Betadine® (povidone-iodine) or Nolvasan® (chlorhexidine), scrub and solution
Cotton bandage rolls
Cotton-tipped swabs
Elastic bandage rolls
Eye rinse (sterile)
Gauze pads and rolls
Isopropyl alcohol/alcohol prep pads
Latex gloves or non-allergenic gloves
Medications (minimum 2 week supply, with clearly labeled instructions)
Non-adherent bandage pads
Saline solution (for rinsing wounds)
Sterile lubricant (water-based)
Thermometer (digital)
Tincture of green soap
Towel and washcloth

Jubliee, OLIVE and Jada...on an adventure

Small Animal First Aid Kit
Consult your veterinarian when developing the first aid kit. 
Activated charcoal (liquid)
Anti-diarrheal liquid or tablets
Antibiotic ointment (for wounds)
Antibiotic eye ointment
Bandage scissors
Bandage tape
Betadine® (povidone-iodine) or Nolvasan® (chlorhexidine), scrub and solution
Cotton bandage rolls
Cotton-tipped swabs
Elastic bandage rolls
Eye rinse (sterile)
Flea and tick prevention and treatment
Gauze pads and rolls
Ice cream sticks (which may be used as splints)
Isopropyl alcohol/alcohol prep pads
Latex gloves or non-allergenic gloves
Liquid dish detergent (mild wound and body cleanser)
Measuring spoons
Medications and preventatives (such as heartworm prevention), minimum 2-week supply, with clearly labeled instructions. Provide veterinary and pharmacy contact information for refills.
Non-adherent bandage pads
Saline solution (for rinsing wounds)
Sterile lubricant (water based)
Styptic powder (clotting agent)
Syringe or eyedropper
Thermometer (digital)
Towel and washcloth

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